Hi, I’m Arash Param

I was born in Iran, grew up in Vancouver, and now live in New York.

I have all sorts of professional experiences, ranging from finance & strategy, to tech & ops. I run a real estate investing company called Monday Capital.

I have been writing at arashparam.com since 2020.

Why I write

Understanding: Writing forces me to synthesize everyting I read into the most salient insight.

Exposure: This platform provides me with an opportunity to meet interesting folks from all over. Feel free to find a time to connect here!

Service: I don’t have all the answers and still have a lot to learn. But I want to share what I have discovered so far and add a brick to the wall of human knowledge.

How my work will benefit you

Value: I consume a lot of content across all disciplines so I can share the most valuable ideas I find with you.

Practical: Everything I write is practical and actionable, allowing you to instantly apply these lessons in your life to become a more effective person.

Simple: What I share is simple and easy to understand.

You can start by reading my writing here.